March 15, 2025

Amazing Grace Movie

Hi Everyone! Are you excited about the Amazing Grace movie that is coming out in theaters this Friday, February 23rd? It’s based on the life of “anti-slavery pioneer” William Wilberforce, a contemporary of John Newton in the 18th Century…

I’ve long loved the song, Amazing Grace…in fact, my two oldest girls sang it for a special in church at the ages of 5 and almost 3 years of age…3 year old knew every word of the first and last stanzas, a fact which I duly recorded in her babybook. (Perhaps because I’d always sung it to her as a lullaby?)

There are many biographies of John Newton’s life–a slave trader who converted to Christianity as a result of many incredible trials…I highly recommend reading his story as a family. Newton reminds me of Apostle Paul in many ways…bent on a path of destruction till God stopped him in his tracks. Only, his transformation came at sea, not on the road to Damascus!

The sad thing is, slavery is still a problem in modern times. The Amazing Change Campaign’s goal of carrying on William Wilberforce’s “vision of mercy and justice” has this as its overview:

Many people find it hard to believe that slavery still exists. Whether it’s bonded slavery with men, women and children toiling on plantations, in rice mills, brick kilns and many other industries; or, the deplorable and prevalent trade in humans to serve as sex slaves, slavery is flourishing in many parts of the world. It is still every bit as ugly as it was 200 years ago and it must end.

It’s estimated that 27 million people are in slavery around the world

Hubby and I get to the theater about once a year…we’re pretty picky about what we spend our “entertainment” money on. That said, I think this is a great cause!

I love seeing more faith-based films becoming available on the big screen! What are some of your favorites, past and present?

P.S. I heard that Francine River’s novel, The Last Sin-Eater was made into a movie recently! Did anyone see it? She’s one of my favorite Christian authors, though I must say, that book wasn’t a favorite!

6 thoughts on “Amazing Grace Movie

  1. After having heard John Piper preaching on William Wilberforce and reading all the wonderful reviews of the film, I am waiting with anticipation for a DVD. This is going to be a treat.
    Have a nice night out with Your Husband, Mary!

  2. I hadn’t heard about either movie. So, I’m excited to think there might be something worth watching soon! I never even had a chance to watch the one about Nate Saint yet. It’s at our local vidieo store too! But, I do want to read the Francine River book before I see the movie since I haven’t done that either! That ‘to do’ list is getting longer!! lol

  3. My dauther and I were just talking about Amazing Grace this morning. I wish we could see it in theaters, but we only rent DVDs since the tots came along. At least the turnaround time from big screen to DVD is getting shorter!

  4. I was talking to a friend today, who has decided to homeschool her sixth-grade daughter, she told me she was completely shocked that her daughter did not know what a noun or a verb was, and cannot write in cursive!

    That’s scary!

  5. That is scary, Leticia! I know in some areas of the country the public school standard is pretty high (New York for instance) while in others it’s pretty low. I have heard of high school graduates somehow graduating without knowing the basics of how to read. Now that is incredible.

    Georgiana, thanks for the prayers…I let her fever do its thing all day, but I just checked it and it was 103.9! So I gave her a non-aspirin in hopes that she’ll sleep good tonight. At least we’ve survived day 2 of whatever this is. We did have the Peter Pan peanut butter–almost a whole jar with that 2111 code on the lid, but this doesn’t act like food poisoning. I think it’s just a flu bug.

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