February 16, 2025


Hebrews 11:6,

But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

What a great verse. Faith is the key to pleasing God.

John 6:28-29,

Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”

Faith is also the key to being about His business. Not ours, mind you, His.  Faith isn’t a tool by which we gain earthly treasures, but rather, eternal ones.

But faith without works is dead. Sometimes what He asks of us isn’t at all simple or welcome or good. It’s hard to hold on and keep your eyes on Him, much less to do it without questioning, or complaining or wishing for better-case-scenarios. Sometimes you just have to have childlike trust, simple faith. Take the next step. Always remembering John 16:33:

“In this world you will have trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Hebrews 11 is the faith chapter of the Bible. I find it so inspiring to see what the Old Testament heroes faced head on, strengthened by faith. It makes my little challenges seem like shoo-ins.

We can do everything through Christ!

Run the race with me?

6 thoughts on “Faith

  1. Amen sister!!! A faith filled heart is what we must have in order to get through this life in God’s graces. I know with out my faith my life is nothing, but with my faith in God, his light leads me through my dark days.

  2. That’s the truth, Juli, it makes all the difference, doesn’t it? And it’s not a blind trust, it’s based on ALL the times in the past that He’s been more than faithful. Sometimes, I’m just in awe of how good He is to us, yes, even when bad things happen.

    I know it, Leticia, a mustard seed is SO tiny…I remember doing a children’s story on it once. The thing with faith that we Christians fall into the trap of sometimes, is putting more weight on ourselves and falling into a guilt trip over things when we feel like we “just didn’t have enough faith”…that’s all wrong, it’s like having “faith in faith” rather than “Faith in God”. If He is the object of our faith, then we don’t need much faith at all, if we truly believe. It’s easy to believe, it’s harder to step out in faith and trust that we’re doing the right thing…

    Colleen, we just got home from vacation and couldn’t believe the devastation that hit our state while gone. So sad. So much loss for many families here in the mid-west. Our home and small town weren’t damaged, thankfully. Thanks for asking!

  3. Good post.

    This past Sunday the guest speaker (an evangelist) spoke on Faith– and he closed with “Lord, increase our faith.”

    It’s amazing that we can do all things through Christ, and we can move mountains with faith, but that we need to get so close to Him so that we do it in His will, by His strength, and for His glory.

    ‘Twill be the subject of a sermon/sermon series I have to give the next couple of weeks.

    MInTheGap’s last blog post..Rejoice in Your Own Wife

  4. Ah, and SO many of us aren’t at all close to Him…not as we could be. To know Him…to have fellowship in His sufferings…

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts on faith! It’s a favorite subject of mine…

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