February 23, 2025

Library Beware

If you love to read, chances are, you love your library. Rebecca Hagelin at WorldNetDaily.com warns parents against teen summer reading lists. She begins her article as follows:

“During the lazy, long, hot days of summer, which activity would you rather see your son or daughter engaged in – playing a video game or reading a book?”

We’ve no teens in our household, and no video games…but I agree whole-heartedly that we parents need to be on the alert not only to what books our children are reading, but what they are watching…yes, even on PBS.

Our small town library is wonderful. They have a shelf full of home schooling resources, many classics on tape that my girls’ favor, and the children’s librarian plans weekly story-times with crafts and even puppet shows. The story-time sessions are simultaneous for the different age groups, so a parent could easily drop their children off and go browse for books. The one time I did this the librarian chose a book on magic, touching the tiniest bit on witchcraft.

Parenting is a trust. God wants us to keep our guard up. Don’t take your child’s word for it, or a friend’s recommendation. Flip through that book and read excerpts for yourself. Your child is worth it.

4 thoughts on “Library Beware

  1. It’s amazing what we will let our children read. My pastor said that he checks out if not reads all the books his children read so that he can know what to say about it or whether they should be reading it.

  2. hey there Mary, thanks for commenting on my blog. I’m so glad you left your info, I too love the things you do my favourite cappuccino is one that is by nescafe you can get here in nz in a box with little individual sachets. Can’t do without one daily that’s for sure 🙂

  3. You’re so right Mary. I forget to check up on what my daughter is reading sometimes, and just trust her judgement. There is no substitution for parental involvement.

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