February 16, 2025

Palm Sunday Thoughts

Paradise Palm

Something very profound happened two days ago. A mother had to give up her firstborn son–her seven month old baby boy. She had little time to gain her composure at the Judge’s awarding temporary 30 day custody of her tiny son to her ex-husband before CPS stormed to her apartment, demanded she turn the baby and his belongings over to them…I won’t go into the elaborate schemes of her ex-husband, his unbelievable family, and the social workers assigned to the case which resulted in this travesty. I will say it smacks loudly of Christian persecution.

And yet this mother–my friend, trusts with all her heart that this is all part of God’s plan for her son’s life. With peace that passes all understanding, she is able to let him go, knowing he is in God’s hands and he always will be.

I told my friend when she called me with this update, that I’d get my church and friends to praying. Guess what she said? She’d appreciate it, but to make sure our main focus was on Jesus this Sunday, and on Easter. On Jesus’ sacrifice and what He went through for our sakes, and to consider how little anything He asks of us seems in light of this gift.

Today at church we probably all read the account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. My pastor brought up the amazing fact that the owners of the donkeys were willing to let the disciples take their animals with no argument. Because the Lord had need of them.

Matthew 21:2-3 when upon nearing Jerusalem, Jesus directed two of his disciples,

“saying, ‘Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘the Lord has need of them’ and immediately he will send them.” (NASB)

Our Pastor then expounded,

“What is the Lord asking of you? If He’d sent His disciples to collect your car for His use in a triumphant parade, would you have let them take it?”

I couldn’t help but think of my friend and what she’d given up in faith that God was working, and this was part of His perfect plan. Will you pray for her and her little son?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please continue to hold my friend close. You know her heart is breaking, and You know her love for You, and for her son. She’s clinging to Your promises and hoping You’ll use her son as You did Joseph when he was sold into slavery. Protect her little boy, keep him safe from evil. Open the eyes and heart of the Judge, Lord, give him wisdom to see through the lies and false witnesses. Thank You Father, for the testimony of this dear friend’s faith through the past year’s trials. Just like the song says, ‘if we never had a problem, we’d never know that God could solve them’…and Your amazing grace has been so evident in her acceptance of this situation.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Galations 2:20,

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (KJV)

10 thoughts on “Palm Sunday Thoughts

  1. what incredible faith your friend has
    I too pray for the boys safety
    although I havent been in this situation myself a close friend of mine has with a much older child still an awful and traumatic experience when strangers (even if they do come from CPS) come into your house demanding your child
    My prayers are very much with your friend too

  2. Thank you so much, Jen, and Leticia, I saw your comment also. Not sure why it got filed under the Kids and Mud post (sorry! don’t know how to fix it!)…

  3. As I read your post, I imagined myself in your friends shoes. I cannot even fathom how I would feel and react if someone were to take Lydia Catherine from me. My heart breaks for your friend, but I also am truly inspired by her faithfulness to the Lord in this. What a witness…To have that much faith and trust in Him!

  4. I felt the same way, Amy. Can’t imagine the grief and heartache. Only the Lord can give you peace to endure something like that.

  5. What a heart-breaking story! And thanks for giving glory to God by sharing it.

    I’ve been through some really tough times myself and can honestly say those have been the things that have brought me close to the Lord more than anything else. Praise God for how He gives us that peace when nothing else would sustain us.

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