This is a “scrapbook” post for all our family and friends who couldn’t make it to Homeschool Presentation Day this past Saturday! What a great time we had, celebrating all our students’ accomplishments this past school year. I especially appreciated the Christian thread woven throughout the performances, from guitar solos of “Jesus Loves Me” to a cappella renditions of favorite praise songs…and of course, classical piano pieces, amazing and convicting dramas…plenty of budding talent and a great time of being with others who relate to and appreciate the unique approach of this lifestyle.
My own children were involved in two group skits, yes, even our four year old was tickled to have two lines all to herself! Our 11 year old daughter did a fabulous talk on Training Border Collies, not leaving out a single detail of all the points she’d labored over in practice the week before. She’s come so far since last year’s talk on ornithology (she’s a huge bird lover), exuding confidence and audience rapport…which is especially exciting to her mother, who does much better in *behind the scenes* scenarios! Here she is with her neon green poster board which represents pasture…with cattle and a Border Collie velcroed at crucial points to be used in illustrating various stockdog commands such as “Come by” and “Away to me”…she finished her talk so winningly:
Now you can see why Border Collies are my favorite dogs. First, because they save so much time. Second because they make such great companions. And third, because I happen to own one.
And if you want to own one, see me after refreshments!
(lol, she was so cute saying that last line, wish I knew how to put her talk on youtube! Btw, part of the reason it’s so cute is that she really does raise and sell Border Collies, and has for the past 3 years)
Then the three girls did a ten minute presentation on the first five books of the Old Testament, courtesy of their Grandpa’s teaching them his Walk-Thru-The-Bible this past school year every Friday morning. My oldest prompted her sisters through each book, sharing chapter titles, highlights and easy ways to remember key events and places the Israelites stayed as God moved them through these books. We used a big map of Old Testament lands to trace the life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Joshua. The funny/embarrassing moment during this presentation came when our youngest decided–in a fidget–to remove her button up sweater and twirl it around her shoulders and head
and in the air above her…finally our oldest snagged the wayward sweater, amidst giggles and blushings, and they got back on task.
Here’s my middle daughter (on the left) performing “Pray Continually” with a good friend…
And my oldest and youngest daughters performing, “Middle of the Road” with another friend…
But the best part of the evening was the grand finale…a skit done by my good friend and her husband and three kids about the importance of being a good witness when under conviction!
Two more weeks of school left! We’re excited about summer doings which for us will include one day a week working at Farmer John’s CSA farm, tending our own garden and the *big* chicken project–raising 150 chicks to sell as laying hens in the fall. VBS is approaching quickly…as is an Awana Awards Camping Trip to a nearby lake…
May will be over before we know it. What’s up next on your calendar?
Cute. Sounds like you are one busy bee this summer. The only thing I have on my calendar is the farmer’s market again this year. I hope to double my earnings.
Awesome! Way to go kids!
Yay for Farmer’s Markets, Bethanie! I wish you well. I really wanted to do that this summer, and would seriously consider it if there were one in our small town. I’d love to get some local customers and that would be a great way to get the word out. What baked goods sold the best for you last summer? Do you plan on putting a garden in also?
Thanks, Leticia! :O) You always encourage me!
It’s great to be back visiting your blog! I’m trying to catch up and read all your old posts. My husband is pastoring in SC now and we have recently moved into a parsonage here. We just got Internet in here this week! Lydia is 2.5 now and we are expecting a baby boy in about 2 or 3 weeks. Keep us in your prayers, if you will. We have passed the time that we lost Sarah Elizabeth (31 weeks) but I’m still a bit nervous. The OBGYN here thinks she found the problem with that pregnancy (a blood disorder that causes clotting) and I’m being treated for that (daily injections…ugh). So far, so good though. God is gracious.
🙂 It’s great to be back here!
Oh Amy, it’s sooo good to see you back here! I kept checking your blog to see if you were still…there! And now you have internet at home–yay!
I’m so happy to hear that you’ve made it safely this far in your pregnancy! What a praise. And a little brother for Lydia, how exciting. I’m so glad your OBGYN is on top of things…how sad to think you could have gone through even more heartache possibly. Keep me posted as to your labor and delivery of your little guy! And congrats on hubby’s new pastorate! I know that’s an answer to prayer too! Do you guys have any family nearby?
Thanks Mary! We do have family nearby, so that’s a nice change. I will keep you posted as to what’s happening.
Oh that will be such a blessing. I’m so thankful that my parents and dh’s live nearby, and both my sisters. If only my brother’s family were here, it would be perfect.
Happy nesting! ;O)