February 16, 2025

Where Is Your Treasure?

To find out what *I* personally think your treasure should be–and it might surprise you–hop on over to Parenting Q & A for my latest article!

Here’s a hint as to what it’s not:

Not our new vehicle, or our mortgaged “house beautiful”, or anything else that a second income could buy. In light of Matthew 6:19-21, we need to turn our hearts away from earthly corruptible things, and towards God and the values He assigns.

What does this have to do with parenting? Well. Everything.

australorpsMeanwhile, here on the “chicken ranch”, things are popping! Color everywhere from my veggie garden and purple redbud trees to the newest little chicks we added to our 70 up-and-coming layers. They are black and yellow with white-tipped wings and are called Australorps! I’m told that they will be all black when full grown, with purplish-greenish sheens. And they are excellent layers of brown eggs, which is a very good thing these days, as my organic eggs are finally in great demand!

Happy Spring, friends! A post on super foods coming up!

4 thoughts on “Where Is Your Treasure?

  1. So true! These kids see what we spend our time on, and that speaks volumes! It sure makes me think about how much time I am on the computer, etc.

  2. My treasure is my family and friends. Money is nice but the people who mean the most to me are the really treasures in your life.

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