March 12, 2025

Apple Pie

Doesn’t this just make you itch to bake? Mmm! Welcome to my blue and white kitchen by the way!apple-pie.jpg

The best apple pie I ever ate was in my Aunt Claire’s home on the West Coast. It was the summer before my wedding, and accumulating great recipes had just become appealing to me! Since then I’ve made at least a hundred pies, and good old-fashioned apple pie remains dh’s favorite, with my Peaches and Cream Pie a very close second. So here is my aunt’s recipe with a few modifications by yours truly!

Aunt Claire’s Apple Pie Filling

  • 7 cups thinly sliced apples (many people recommend using tart apples for pie, but we prefer not! I like layering several kinds in one pie, including a few red delicious!)
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup apple juice
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon allspice

My modifications to this recipe are simple. I switch the measurements for the white and brown sugars, putting 3/4-1 cup brown sugar and only half a cup of white. Since I use sweeter apples, I don’t bother with the apple juice. I pre-cook my filling on the stovetop about ten minutes before filling my pie crust. If you do go ahead and use the apple juice, just remember to place a pan beneath your pie to catch any excess juice bubbling up and over the sides!

Bake at 375*F for about 35 minutes.


For a large batch of apple pie filling that freezes wonderfully go read Freezing Apple Pie Filling

8 thoughts on “Apple Pie

  1. I think I enjoy the sight and smells of a baking/freshly baked pie almost more than eating it! Strange, I know. It’s just that so much work is involved, and it’s eaten so QUICKLY!

  2. I have to make pies for a church dinner, so this sounds great! I was wondering, though, how long to bake the pie. If the filling is warm going in, does the bottom crust have enough time to bake before the filling is bubbling? Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Now I can’t wait to visit the rest of your site!

  3. Hello Virginia! I went ahead and answered this at the “freezing apple pie filling” thread, but will here as well in case anyone else wonders. I bake my apple pies with a top and bottom crust and give it a good 30 minutes in the oven, or till the top crust is golden. I also wrap the edges lightly with foil strips to keep them from getting too done.

    Hths, and good luck with all the pie baking!


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