February 16, 2025

Pro-Life Post and Flooding

Be sure to visit MInTheGap’s site today and read my pro-life post, The Ultrasound. It’s pro-life week over there, so go support a good thing.

Our area of the country has been flattened by natural disasters lately, and though we were flooded in yesterFlooded Forest Floor in Mist, Jasmund National Park, Island of Ruegen, Germanyday, we thankfully remain intact. At least this time DH was stranded at home(couldn’t get out to work). Once he had to park his truck and trailer, and ride his horse several miles across pasture to make it home to us! We live in a flood-prone valley, but our homeplace is on a pretty good hillside so we’re set.

My heart goes out to those around us who have lost jobs, schools and homes to the tornadoes and flooding. Our prayers are with you…

2 thoughts on “Pro-Life Post and Flooding

  1. Thanks, Jen, I don’t take our hillside for granted…our first four years were spent in the lowlands in a trailer house, and we got flooded to the doorway 3 times. It’s a scary feeling, wondering if you’re going to float away. And then you have to get the mud off everything, replace insulation and skirting…I was so glad when this place came up for sale, knowing it was up out of the wet zone!

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