March 12, 2025

The Questions Game

Bethanie at The Desire of My Heart blog wanted volunteers to play the “Questions Game”. I volunteered to answer any 5 questions of her choosing, wasn’t I brave? Turns out she went easy on me…so here goes:

  1. What was your favorite subject in school and why?
  2. What is your favorite recipe? (you could add a link here if you like)
  3. When you open your Bible do you start in the middle or front?
  4. Where do you keep your broom and/or vacuum?
  5. How many posts do you have on your blog right now?

My Answers:

I loved journalism, no surprise there, right? I was the editor of the editorial page and my most popular article was one I did on the drug Acutane for acne…overall, I’d say English Lit and Journalism were my favorite classes, and I was blessed with many gifted teachers in these areas.

This time of year, one of my favorite recipes is for steak marinade. It gets raves everytime! My favorite birthday cake is the Chocolate Cream Roll, with its coffee cream filling and satin frosting– my mom’s specialty…and nothing says summer like a great salad!

I always start reading in the New Testament, so I guess I’d have to answer that I open it to the middle. Right now I’m reading in Philippians, one of my favorite books!

I keep my broom and vacuum in my laundry room closet. It’s a walk-in closet that sadly becomes a free-for-all. Let’s just say we have way too many jackets and coats in this family.

Currently my blog stats tell me I have 233 posts, 1,472 comments all contained in 21 categories!

Now, I need volunteers to answer 5 questions of my choosing…does anyone want to step up?

11 thoughts on “The Questions Game

  1. Wow! You guys are great! Here are your questions:

    1. What book are you currently reading, or have just finished reading?
    2. If money were no object, where would you live and what would you be doing?
    3. Some people crave chocolate or coffee (that’d be me), what do you keep stashed for when the urge strikes?
    4. What is your idea of how to spend the perfect day?
    5. What spurred you into starting a blog way back when?

    If anyone else wants to answer these questions on their blog, please comment. I want to come by and read your answers!

  2. OK, here goes:
    1. What book are you currently reading, or have just finished reading?
    “The Living God – Systematic Theology Vol. I” by Dr. Thomas C. Oden. This is yeat another re-reading of this wonderful work. I recommend this series.

    2. If money were no object, where would you live and what would you be doing?
    Well we have some roots where we are, but my wife and I just love San Diego. I’d Preach, Blog, make photographs, and do woodworking.

    3. Some people crave chocolate or coffee (that’d be me), what do you keep stashed for when the urge strikes?
    4. What is your idea of how to spend the perfect day?
    I don’t stash; I go get it… and my waistline shows it.

    5. What spurred you into starting a blog way back when?
    I work in the computer software industry and felt out of the loop on “Web 2.0” so I decided to do something about it. I’love to write, but am finding it a lot harder than I’d like.

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