March 10, 2025

Homeschooling: Organizing With Limited Space

Had a little time to do some homeschool browsing, and came across this little gem, thanks to Revka’s hat tip. You must visit Lindsay at Enjoy The Journey and be inspired at a photo and tip-filled post of hers all on homeschooling and how she stays organized without an actual classroom!

Her photo tour, complete with explanations, really blessed me, and the countdown is on! First day of school is rapidly approaching!

2 thoughts on “Homeschooling: Organizing With Limited Space

  1. Thanks for the link, Mary! I really appreciate it. I was completely in awe of Lindsey and thought others would like to see such and inspiring example for themselves.

    Thanks for stopping by Little Fun; Little Learning and for your thoughtful and helpful comments.

  2. You’re welcome, Revka, it was an enjoyable time spent at your blog! And you’re right, Lindsay’s post was very inspiring. I plan on trying several of her ideas this year.

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